Gemstone Guide

Abalone shell

It is a natural gemstone found in the oceans. Visually it depicts the ambiance of the ocean with its combination of blue and greens fused with the ocean's wave pattern of rolls and swirls. It is found in the mollusk family with a shell attached to rocks or other organisms in the sea. The shell of the Abalone is used in jewelry, and the unique characteristic is that there are never two similar pieces found.

Projection Stone

Projection stones are based on the Nomai ideology. The Nomai used them to communicate with each other from different remote locations. One of the most pieces of popular jewelry at YFN is the 100 languages projection collection. Here are three methods to review the hidden photo in the projection stone:

Method 1:

Turn on your phone camera. Aline with the projection stone to your camera lens and view the photo inside the stone from your camera.

Method 2:

Use a flashlight(from your mobile phone) and point it towards the back of the projection stone. Project the image via the stone to a plain wall in the dark to see the photo.

Method 3:

The easiest way is just to peek into the stone with your naked eyes!

Red coral

This gemstone is found explicitly in the dark parts of the deep sea. This gemstone is sharp spicules of calcium carbonate. They are organic, natural gemstones that are actually the remains of polys underwater that, over time deposited together. The main characteristics of this gemstone are its toughness, durability, and strong pink and red color. Red Coral is for vitality and mental focus.


Malachite is a mineral that is green copper carbonate. It is a gemstone formed in the shallow oxidizing zone above the copper deposits in the earth. Its most striking visual character is its color, green. It ranges from pastel green to bright green to extremely dark green. These rare gemstones are found in tabular shape, translucent and lustrous. It is shaped into cabochons or beads for jewelry.

Tiger's Eye

It is a very popular gemstone that reflects chatoyancy (cat’s-eye) when the stone is polished thoroughly and then when it is moved back and forth in incident light. It is classified as a quarts gemstone and appears to be brown. It forms when the fibers of crocidolite minerals are replaced by silica. Tiger’s-eye is a very sought-after ring stone used in men’s rings and cufflinks.

Cubic Zirconia

Cubic zirconia is a synthetic, colorless gemstone very similar to diamond but with less brilliance. It is made in the lab with the crystalline form of zirconium dioxide and can also appear in nature with a blend of mineral baddeleyite which can be an extremely rare occurrence. They are often regarded as inexpensive diamonds. These are not actual diamonds but are simulants which is why they are inexpensive but have no resale value.


The word Diamond is derived from the Greek word Adamas, which translates to something being indestructible. It is the only gemstone that is made out of a single element – carbon and nothing else. Diamond is a clear gemstone that is made of carbon in a crystallized cubic arrangement. The specific sparkle and beauty with minimal maintenance make them one of the most sought-after gemstones.

4Cs of Diamond Quality

Learn about how to define the quality of diamonds from the 4Cs. 1)Cut When choosing a diamond, the cut is the most important thing. A diamond's angles, dimensions, and symmetrical facets are the most important part of its cut. They are responsible for the sparkle of the diamond. Gemstones with facets should have a nice shape and a vibrant display of color and light. 2)Color The degree of a diamond's whiteness or lack of color is used to grade its color. Diamonds are rated by the GIA from D to Z, with D being the most colorless and Z having a pronounced brown or yellow hue. The most crucial factor in selecting a gemstone. Due to the rarity of the gemstone's rich hue, a gem's purest and most vivid color will typically be the most expensive. Below are some colors you can choose from according to color psychology. Both colors and the gemstones that have those specific color characteristics have healing powers. So you can choose the color according to the chart below. 3)Clarity Gemstones are formed below the earth's surface, so we often see traces and remains of other minerals in them. When you can see such disturbances or patches, they are called inclusions. These patches can tell about their geological atmosphere and can also be used to verify if they are natural or not. 4)Carat For diamonds, the size you can own will depend on how well you treat the other three Cs. You can buy the largest, most beautiful diamond within your budget if everything is balanced. When it comes to colored gems, they are available in various sizes but have some limitations, such as you can easily find a 10-carat blue topaz. Yet, a 10-carat exquisite ruby is very uncommon.

Lab Diamond

Numerous names know lab-grown diamonds. They are listed as engineered diamonds, cultured diamonds, and man-made diamonds. But despite being called a diamond, they are cultured lab stones less expensive than diamonds. In the lab, they are made using high-heat and chemical vapor deposition methods.


Moissanite is a gemstone that is made of a mineral known as silicon carbide. It is very similar to a diamond and is so rare that it can hardly be cut into a one-carat gemstone to be used as a white gemstone. When a diamond is way expensive, moissanite is the answer. Furthermore, it is second in hardness as compared to diamonds.


The November birthstone, topaz, symbolizes love and affection. It is believed to give the wearer increased strength and intellect.


The Origins Of The Moonstone

The moonstone is a lava stone crystal with an appearance that leaves you speechless thanks to its optical effect. As the internal reflections of two types of feldspar, orthoclase, and albite. The two minerals interwind together in layers and the phenomenon called adularescence appears whenever light hits them both, this effect is comparable to moonlight. Precisely because of these plays of light, it was already used in ancient times to capture the lunar energy and it was believed that it was the lunar rays that gave it life, striking the rock with their light.

The moonstone belongs to the Obsidian family and is found in the white, brown, or blue varieties. Due to its mysterious origins, this gem is trendy in many popular beliefs and is considered a lucky charm and used in crystal therapy.

Moonstone: Meaning, Properties and Benefits

The moonstone is a gem directly connected with the symbolism of the moon and deeply connected to the woman. This is why it is a feminine stone, a lucky charm linked to the tides, the earth, the mother, the emotions and the cyclical rhythm of nature and women. This gem is a preferential channel with inner wisdom, also used by travelers as a protective amulet closely connected to the water element.


The October birthstone, opal, symbolizes faithfulness and confidence. The word comes from the Latin opalus, meaning “precious jewel.” Necklaces with opals set in them were worn to repel evil and to protect eyesight.


The December birthstone, turquoise, is regarded as a love charm. Turquoise represents good fortune and success, and it is supposed to relax the mind and protect its wearer from harm.

Mother of Pearl

The mother of pearl is a natural gemstone found in three mollusks: Abalone, mussels in freshwater, and pearl oysters. It is formed when the mollusk fights against parasites and layers of the nacre-an organic substance responsible for the gemstone’s multicolored iridescent visual. It is formed when small crystal particles and stones blend in the shells. It’s composed of aragonite. The healing and protective properties of the mother of pearl are well known.